Thursday, December 29, 2022

New Release- "Because God Made Me I am Special" by Crystal Mary Lindsey

Children need to feel confident and content within themselves, whether male or female.

With that confidence, they are able to develop relationships and strengthen their self-esteem through play while developing new skills daily. Praising a child's effects along the way creates a positive environment for them to learn and grow at their own pace.

The world can be confusing for children, especially now with teachings in schools and the world questioning gender.

As Christians, we know that God makes no mistakes and we are created for a specific role as male or female.

Both gender roles are unique and put together in unity to procreate.

This story is simple in context and written to help little ones understand and accept who they are.

Prayerfully as they read or have the story read to them, they will find joy in their gender.

Children thrive when they feel safe and secure to grow without uncertainty or fear.

They need to be protected and understood by family, friends, and teachers who listen to them with care and love.

To Purchase on Amazon

About the Author
Crystal Mary Lindsey is a mother, grandmother, great-grandmother, and retired health professional of many years.
She desires to see children reach their full potential in self-confidence and awareness of who they are with acceptance of their own unique abilities.
As they read this story, it is her desire they understand with a happy heart God's perfect plan and love for their life.

Why I wrote the book

My grandson, seven years old, stood still in my lounge room and earnestly said,
"I wish I was a girl."

"Why would you want to be a girl?" I asked him, surprised.

"Girls have more fun, and everyone is a girl in our house except me."

"Aww, honey, come here. I love you just as you are, and when you grow up, you will have strong muscles, and girls will ask you to help them with what they can't do. Did you know that?"

He shook his head, still looking at me sadly and somewhat confused, but he didn't want to talk about it anymore.

The world can be confusing for children, especially now —teachings in schools and the world question gender. As Christians, we know that God makes no mistakes and we are created for a specific male or female role. Both gender roles are unique and put together in unity to procreate.

This story is simple in context and written to help little ones understand and accept who they are. Prayerfully as they read or have the story read to them, they will find joy in their gender.

Children thrive when they feel safe and secure to grow without uncertainty or fear. They need to be protected and understood by family, friends, and teachers who listen to them with care and love.

Proverbs 22:6. "Train up a child the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it."  






Tuesday, December 27, 2022

New Release- The Secret Society of Salzburg by Renee Ryan

 From the author of The Widows of Champagne, and inspired by true events, comes a gripping and heartwrenching story of two very different women united to bring light to the darkest days of World War II.

London, 1933

At first glance, Austrian opera singer Elsa Mayer-Braun has little in common with the young English typist she encounters on tour. Yet she and Hattie Featherstone forge an instant connection—and strike a dangerous alliance. Using their friendship as a cover, they form a secret society with a daring goal: to rescue as many Jews as possible from Nazi persecution.
Though the war’s outbreak threatens Elsa and Hattie’s network, their efforts attract the covert attention of the British government, offering more opportunities to thwart the Germans. But Elsa’s growing fame as Hitler’s favorite opera singer, coupled with her secret Jewish ancestry, makes her both a weapon and a target—until her future, too, hangs in the balance.
From the glamorous stages of Covent Garden and Salzburg to the horrors of Bergen-Belsen,  two ordinary women swept up by the tide of war discover an extraordinary friendship—and the courage to save countless lives.

My Thoughts on the Book

The Secret Society of Salzburg is the first novel I've read by this author. It captivated me and it will not be the last.

The storyline gripped my heart, the characters were mesmerizing and inspirational, and the setting or backdrops pushed me into a time of great hardship and atrocities of Hitler's war.

There were lots of tense moments, and heart-breaking moments of betrayal, yet some outstanding success and inspiration. The main character Elsa was beyond amazing. She was strong and devoted to the arts, but also the cause. Hattie, an artist depicting the opera singer in her art was entertaining to read about. Hattie was a devoted fan of Elsa, but also a strong ally in the cause to help the Jews.

Keep the tissues handy, but this book will also make you smile with pride at Elsa, Hattie, Vera, Oliver, and Melvina's accomplishments. Highly recommended.

I received an ARC from the publisher and voluntarily choose to review it.

Monday, December 26, 2022

New Release by Dora Hiers- "A Heart's Song-Canderhart Dynasty Book 3


Now that the legacy of Canderhart Racing is settled, Dustin "Dusty" Canderhart needs to crank out the words to make the contracted deadline for his next action adventure romance book. But it appears as though his muse has abandoned him. Or rather, his pseudonym Sage Rockford. There's a lot riding on this book. He's not worried about the advance. It's more about proving to his father that writing is a viable profession just as much as car racing.

On the run from a stalker, singer/songwriter Oakley Mead retreats to her hometown of Hawley Creek, hoping to keep a low profile and not attract any attention. But that hope incinerates when she runs into her high school sweetheart, Dusty Canderhart, and the town's most eligible bachelor insists on keeping her safe. Oakley doesn't want or need Dusty acting like one of his fictional heroes. All her life, starting with her father, men have betrayed her, and romance belongs in his books, not in real life.

Will Dusty convince Oakley that she can trust him not to hurt her and that romance isn't just reserved for fiction and songs? Can he show her that they belong together? Will Oakley feel safe enough in Hawley Creek, in Dusty's arms, to stop running? Can she trust the new song taking up residence in her heart? Lyrics of truth, faith, hope and love…

My Review

Dusty Canderhart is trying to finish his novel but decides the coffee shop is too busy. On his way out, he can't believe the woman he literally runs into is non-other than Oakley. He discovers he still has feelings for her.

This installment is Dusty's and Oakley's story. There are some tense moments and Dusty is worried about her safety.  The characters of Dusty and Oakley are very relatable and I enjoyed following their journey. Another great Canderhart read that didn't disappoint.  A short story but one that packed a punch. Highly recommended.

I received an ARC from the author and voluntarily choose to review it. All opinions are my own.


Friday, December 23, 2022

FREE Dec. 24th thru Dec. 28th on Amazon- New Release - "To Rescue My Love" by J.E. Grace


Title: To Rescue My Love: A Christmas Surprise

Christian Historical Western Romance

Published:  December 20, 2022

FREE Dec. 24th thru Dec. 28th


Jake Prosser, owner of Prosser Ranch in Nortonville, Colorado had fallen hard when he met the love of his life. He trusted God for his future, but nothing went as planned. It appears he must endure more than he ever expected, and can his faith withstand it all?

Emma Wright, kidnapped by outlaws, leaving behind a life she loved, now spends time imprisoned in a strange town. Held by an abusive man, she only dreams of her escape. An unexpected event and help from someone she didn’t expect, brings her freedom, but only to suffer another fate. It seems she can’t win but never gives up hope.

Will God heal their broken hearts and bring them the happiness they desire?


           Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to You & Your Family! God Bless!

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

NEW RELEASE- To Rescue My Love: A Christmas Surprise by J.E. Grace

Title: To Rescue My Love: A Christmas Surprise

Christian Historical Western Romance

Published:  December 20, 2022

99c or FREE on KU


Jake Prosser, owner of Prosser Ranch in Nortonville, Colorado had fallen hard when he met the love of his life. He trusted God for his future, but nothing went as planned. It appears he must endure more than he ever expected, and can his faith withstand it all?

Emma Wright, kidnapped by outlaws, leaving behind a life she loved, now spends time imprisoned in a strange town. Held by an abusive man, she only dreams of her escape. An unexpected event and help from someone she didn’t expect, brings her freedom, but only to suffer another fate. It seems she can’t win but never gives up hope.

Will God heal their broken hearts and bring them the happiness they desire?

Thursday, December 15, 2022

Needles the Forgotten Christmas Tree by Richard Wagner Book Tour, Author Interview & Review



Book Details:

Book Title:  Needles the Forgotten Christmas Tree by Richard Wagner
Category:  Children's Fiction (ages 3 to 7), 32 pages
Genre:  Children's Book
Publisher:  Mascot
Release date:   Mar 7, 2023
Content Rating:  G.  Suitable for everyone.
Book Description:

The world is not always perfect. A scraggly little tree named Needles must endure taunts, criticism, and setbacks to realize his goal of becoming a beautiful Christmas tree.

This is a story of hope, dreams, desires, determination, and never giving up. It also offers the observation that what others think is beautiful may not really matter. Beauty is truly in the eyes of the beholder . . . and paired with the spirit of Christmas, maybe we can make the world just a little more perfect!
Buy the Book:
(release date March 2023)
(pre-order now)
Mascot Amazon ~ B&N

My Review
5 stars
The concept for Needles the Forgotten Christmas tree is magical. The storyline is one that teaches a lesson that we all have worth regardless of what we look like on the outside. To never give up.
The story is easy to read and would hold the attention of any child due to the wonderful illustrations in bright colors. The drawings add lots of life to the story. 
Even when things weren't working out and Needles didn't seem to be getting a family to take him home, he never gave up.  The lessons a child could learn from this well-written story could inspire them to be the best they can be.  Very inspirational and inspiring children's book.  I agree with the author.  The illustrator nailed it and the collaboration between the author and the illustrator created a wonderful book with a beautiful message that all children need to hear.
I received a complimentary copy from the publisher and voluntarily choose to review it. All opinions are my own.
Meet the Author:

Wagner grew up in Southern California. When he was 14-years old, a business friend of his father’s had a small Christmas tree delivered as a thank you. Their family already had a large tree decorated in the house. Not being able to find anyone who needed a tree, that small Christmas tree stood outside by itself for the remainder of the Christmas holiday.

What made you write this book?
       When I was  14, a business associate of my father's delivered a small Christmas tree to our home as a thank-you. However, we already had a large tree decorated in the living room. We tried to find someone to take the tree but to no avail. That little tree sat by itself by the side of the house for the remainder of the holidays. I always felt sorry for that little tree, and for many years I wanted to write a story about what might have been.
Is the story based on real people in your life?
   Not really. As the story unfolded, the characters in the story just sort of fell into place to make the story work.  My goal was to create a situation that was uplifting in the end.
Your book seems to have several messages to children?
     Yes. I believe a children's book should constitute life lessons and be inspiring. The teachable lessons in this story deal with hopes and dreams, determination in the face of great odds, and the virtue of never giving up. In addition, the idea that what one person or group may not find appealing, another person may find beautiful.
Is this your first book?
Have you enjoyed the process?
     To some extent. Writing the initial story was not complicated. Deciding on a publisher was more effort. However, the hardest part was finding a good illustrator that was willing to buy into my concept of the book.
What was that concept?
      I wanted illustrations that were elegant, not cartoonish. It was important that Needles look like a real tree, and that his emotions be defined by how the tree looked, whether it was standing tall or drooping, etc.  I think that Sydni Kuger nailed it.     

Enter the Giveaway:

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Are You a Pineapple by Kathryn A. Zolman Book Tour



Book Details:

Book Title:  Are You A Pineapple? by Kathryn A. Zolman
Category:  Children's Fiction (Ages 3-7),  38 pages
Genre:  Children's Picture Book
Publisher:  Mascot Books
Release date:   May, 2022
Content Rating:  G. Suitable for everyone.
Book Description:

Kevin has a beautiful new puppy! But what should he name her? He wants to find a name that is unique, just like her. Kevin knows the puppy is special, but he’s about to find out just how smart she is when she helps Kevin choose her own name!
My Review
Are You a Pineapple is a good book for very young children. The storyline is all about a new puppy that Kevin desperately tries to name. After many tries, the puppy finally responds to his name.

The illustrations are well-drawn and the bright colors would catch the eye of any young child. It's an easy-to-read story that a brother or sister could read to a younger sibling. The simple message is one any child can understand.

I received a complimentary copy from the publisher and voluntarily choose to review it.

Meet the Author:

Kathryn A. Zolman never expected to write a children’s book, but when Pineapple came into her life and she heard the story of how this sweet, smart dog got her name, she thought it would make a fun book for parents to read to their children. Pineapple is a Bull Mastiff, German Shepherd, Chow mix, and much like a real pineapple, she knows how to stand tall and is very sweet on the inside!

Kathryn is an avid dog lover. Along with her husband and daughter, they have raised three Doberman Pinschers, each with their own unique personality and character. Kathryn is an advocate for not only raising children to respect all animals, but also to be thankful for the pure joy that they bring to our lives. In writing this book, Kathryn seeks to spread a positive message and hopes it will help children express more gratitude in their lives.

Q&A Author Interview


Q: What made you write a book about Pineapple?

               A: When I heard the story from Kevin, Pineapple’s owner, about how he came up with her name, I fell in love with the tale! I loved everything about it! I could visualize the story in my head and thought it would be such a fun book for parents to read to their children. That it’s based on a true story, makes it even more special!

Q: How long did it take you to write the story?

               A: It took approximately two months to write, edit, and format it in a manuscript style that I felt comfortable sending to publishers. Since the book is based on a true story, the bulk of the content wrote itself. I did try to add positive words or phrases in my writing. I wanted the book to be fun to read, but also convey positivity.

Q: How did you decide on an illustrator for your book?

               A: Mascot Books works with some very talented artists! I reviewed the work of several of them and narrowed it down to three that we sent photos of Pineapple to for a rendering. I absolutely loved the way Walter Policelli depicted Pineapple! I feel like he was able to capture her personality perfectly and the way she holds her ears out away from her head. He did a phenomenal job with all the illustrations!

Q: How would you explain your journey of becoming a published author?

               A: Exciting! Overwhelming at times! The process from initial concept to book in hand was a fantastic learning experience. Mascot Books and Foreward Publicity have been great partners in the journey! I never expected to be a children’s book author, but I am very thankful the publisher liked my story!

Q: What advice would you give budding writers?

               A: My main advice would be to not give up! If you have a great idea for a book and can visualize the pages before writing it, give it a try! Do some research on typing manuscripts and finding the right publisher, but anything is possible!

Q: What is your next project?

               A: I’m being urged to write a second Pineapple book. Some people say it should be a book series. Pineapple was extremely smart and very adventurous, so the content practically writes itself, but I just don’t know if I’m up for the challenge. At the moment, I don’t have any plans to write another book.


connect with the author: instagram  

Enter the Giveaway

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Review of A Daughter's Courage by Misty M. Beller & Blog Tour


About the Book

Book: A Daughter’s Courage

Author: Misty M. Beller

Genre: Christian Historical Romance

Release date: November 1, 2022

Her quest to repair what’s been broken leads to imminent danger–and soon it’s more than her own life on the line.

After accidentally destroying the intricate chalice her people have treasured for over a hundred years, Charlotte Durand sets out on an expedition in search of a skilled artisan who can repair the damage. What she expected to be a two-day hike becomes much more daunting when a treacherous snowstorm sets in.

The last thing Damien Levette needs in the middle of a mountain blizzard is to tend to another person, but he can’t leave behind the mysterious woman he found half-frozen at the edge of a mountain lake.

As they battle both the elements and each other, Charlotte and Damien must work together to survive the peril of the mountains—or it could be the downfall of them both.


Click here to get your copy!

My Review
Damien, a trapper, finds Charlotte alone on the mountain. Determined not to let her travel alone, he agrees to escort to the fort. Charlotte's not sure but decides to let him accompany her.

The story is about a budding romance between Damien and Charlotte. They learn to lean on and trust one another. There are times of unexpected peril which need strength from God and prayers for them to pull through. There is forgiveness, disappointment, unconditional love, and increased faith. Lots of mystery and a very unexpected ending which wrapped everything up nicely.

Another great read from Misty Beller, who never lets her readers down. Highly recommended.

I received a complimentary copy from the author and voluntarily choose to review it.

About the Author

Misty M. Beller is a USA Today bestselling author of romantic mountain stories, set on the 1800s frontier and woven with the truth of God’s love.

Raised on a farm and surrounded by family, Misty developed her love for horses, history, and adventure. These days, her husband and children provide fresh adventure every day, keeping her both grounded and crazy.

Misty’s passion is to create inspiring Christian fiction infused with the grandeur of the mountains, writing historical romance that displays God’s abundant love through the twists and turns in the lives of her characters.

Sharing her stories with readers is a dream come true for Misty. She writes from her country home in South Carolina and escapes to the mountains any chance she gets.


More from Misty

Behind the Scenes of A Daughter’s Courage

I always love stories where the characters are on a journey, and I knew that’s exactly what the characters in this book would be doing. Our heroine, Charlotte, is the younger sister of the heroine in book 1 of this series, and we’ve gotten to know her a little better with each book. Her mother died when she was young, and she’s been the homemaker for their little family for over a decade now, never straying farther from the village than the berry patches in the next valley over. So I knew it would take something big to get her away from Laurent for the journey I had in mind for this story. Something lifechanging.

Our hero is a trapper who left the larger group he’d been traveling with to strike out on his own. I knew it would take a considerable amount of tragedy to make a man seek such complete aloneness. Damien has his trusty mule Gulliver with him, so I guess he’s not completely alone, but he’s definitely hoping to stay far away from people. As I uncovered the pain that brought him to this point, my heart broke for him and all the loss he experienced.

I love the way Charlotte’s need and the fierce mountain snowstorm drew Damien from his grief and gave him new purpose. Watching him come back to life and grasp onto God’s love for him was so inspiring!



                    Blog Stops

Inklings and notions, December 2

Texas Book-aholic, December 3

For Him and My Family, December 3

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, December 4

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, December 4

Ashley’s Clean Book Reviews, December 5

Holly’s Book Corner, December 5

Book Looks by Lisa, December 6

Library Lady’s Kid Lit, December 6

deb’s Book Review, December 7

Mary Hake, December 7

Betti Mace, December 8

Locks, Hooks and Books, December 8

Connie’s History Classroom, December 9

Remembrancy, December 10

Cover Lover Book Review, December 10

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, December 11

Tell Tale Book Reviews, December 12

Bizwings Blog, December 13

Lily’s Book Reviews, December 13

Splashes of Joy, December 14

Blossoms and Blessings, December 14

Through the Fire Blogs, December 15


To celebrate her tour, Misty is giving away the grand prize of a $50 Amazon gift card!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

Friday, December 9, 2022

Spotlight for Beneath His Silence by Hannah Linder



About the Book

Book: Beneath His Silence

Author: Hannah Linder

Genre: Christian Fiction / Historical / Romance

Release date: November, 2022

Will Seeking Justice Lead to Her Own Demise?

A Gothic-Style Regency Romance from a Promising Young Author

Second daughter of a baron—and a little on the mischievous side—Ella Pemberton is no governess. But the pretense is a necessity if she ever wishes to get inside of Wyckhorn Manor and attain the truth. Exposing the man who killed her sister is all that matters.

Lord Sedgewick knows there’s blood on his hands. Lies have been conceived, then more lies, but the price of truth would be too great. All he has left now is his son—and his hatred. Yet as the charming governess invades his home, his safe cocoon of bitterness begins to tear away.

Could Ella, despite the lingering questions of his guilt, fall in love with such a man? Or is she falling prey to him—just as her dead sister?


Click here to get your copy!


About the Author

Hannah Linder resides in the beautiful mountains of central West Virginia. Represented by Books & Such, she writes Regency romantic suspense novels. She is a double 2021 Selah Award winner, a 2022 Selah Award finalist, and a member of American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW). Hannah is a Graphic Design Associates Degree graduate who specializes in professional book cover design. She designs for both traditional publishing houses and individual authors, including New York Times, USA Today, and International bestsellers. 

She is also a local photographer and a self-portrait photographer. When Hannah is not writing, she enjoys playing her instruments—piano, guitar, and ukulele—songwriting, painting still life, walking in the rain, and sitting on the front porch of her 1800s farmhouse. To follow her journey, visit


More from Hannah

People always ask me what inspired a story. Where did I get the idea? Who was my inspiration? What true-life event motivated these characters into existence?

And the truth is, I don’t know. I’ve never known. When I was younger, I’d look clueless and shrug my shoulders. A few years ago, I would have probably answered “people”—and maybe there’s truth in that. People do inspire me. The way they walk, the places they go, the things they do, the way they dress.

But lately…well, I think it’s more than that. I don’t think it’s people so much as feelings. The nitty-gritty. The raw emotions, caught deep in someone’s chest, at the most pivotal points in their life.

Like the old man seated at a booth, alone in a restaurant, with his veiny hands cupping a mug of coffee. It’s not his shabby fedora that inspires me. Or the knotty cane leaned against his seat. Or the envelope stuffed into the pocket of his woolen overcoat.

It’s the look on his face. The slow blinking, the red nose, the flash of moisture as he takes another sip of coffee. Why does he sit alone? Who left him? Who caused the tears? What emotions render that lost, helpless, longing expression—and how will he cope?

If you would ask me what inspired Beneath His Silence, I probably wouldn’t have much of an answer. No concrete idea or moment would rush to remembrance. If anything, inspiration for Beneath His Silence was nothing more than a small thought. A feeling. 

I wanted to write about a girl who learned to love someone she hated. I wanted to explore every aspect. The poison of her hate. The weight it pressed into her heart. The process—slow, startling, and healing—that sucked out that poison and replaced it with something unexpected. Love.

I guess that’s what I love about writing. Not the people. The characters. Not even the storylines and the plot twists and the fun settings.

I love the emotion. That’s what inspires me.

And if you find yourself in the pages of Beneath His Silence, I hope it will inspire you too.

                Blog Stops

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, November 28

Genesis 5020, November 28

Texas Book-aholic, November 29

To Everything There Is A Season, November 29

Where Faith And Books Meet, November 30

Inklings and notions, November 30

Lily’s Book Reviews, November 30

Book Looks by Lisa, December 1

deb’s Book Review, December 1

Betti Mace, December 2

Locks, Hooks and Books, December 2

Remembrancy, December 3

Ashley’s Clean Book Reviews, December 3

Abba’s Prayer Warrior Princess, December 4

Connie’s History Classroom, December 4

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, December 5

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, December 5

Rebecca Tews, December 6

Simple Harvest Reads, December 6 (Guest Review from Mindy Houng)

Blogging With Carol, December 7

For Him and My Family, December 7

Through the Fire Blogs, December 8

Holly’s Book Corner, December 8

Gina Holder, Author and Blogger, December 9 (Author Interview)

Bizwings Blog, December 9

Melissa’s Bookshelf, December 9

Pause for Tales, December 10

Cover Lover Book Review, December 10

Mary Hake, December 10

Labor Not in Vain, December 11

A Good Book and Cup of Tea, December 11


To celebrate her tour, Hannah is giving away the grand prize package of a $25 Amazon e-gift card and a print copy of the book!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.