Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Review of New Release- Spring's Pact by Dora Hiers


Will Spring finally discover the God who heals and see Beckett as a faithful man who's loved her through it all?

Fifteen years ago, Beckett Danver made a pact with his best friend on the back steps of their group home. Now nearing his thirtieth birthday, he's ready to follow through on that promise. He'd fallen in love with the spunky girl who insisted on playing every sport as well as the boys, and he loves her even more now, a beautiful woman inside and out, the sass and spice covering up the pain that still lurks in the shadows of her fragile heart. He's just been waiting for her to "catch" up with him.

Spring Season needs a plan to derail any misguided ideas Beckett might have about proposing. Sure, they'd made a pact, but sheesh, they were just kids. She'd just found out that he was getting adopted and leaving the group home, and he'd found her sobbing on the back porch. Her childhood crush had slid a homemade leather ring over her finger and vowed never to forget her and to marry her once he turned thirty. But even back then she knew she'd never follow through with it. After being dumped into the group home with her three sisters, Spring plans to steer clear of love and marriage and definitely children. No, thank you. Spring is perfectly content to stay happily single for the rest of her life, pact or not.

But is she happy? Truly? With her stomach always a tight knot of nerves and fear, the only reprieve she ever gets is on the softball field. And she's seen how Beckett's faith changed him, how the chip he used to carry on his shoulder as a boy had slipped off, replaced with kindness and compassion and a heart for kids. She wants that for herself, for all the broken places in her to be healed and whole, but she's damaged for life. The police officer deserves someone better than one of those poor little Season sisters. Now if she can only convince her heart of that…

Will Spring finally discover the God who heals and see Beckett as a faithful man who's loved her through it all? Through the ugly and the painful, through the bitter and the broken, he longs to be with her in the beautiful forever. Or will she keep looking through the lens of the past and not see what a glorious future they could have together? A future that embraces love and healing and the family that she's always secretly craved…

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DORA HIERS believes that a person should love what they do or choose to do something else. She’s doing exactly what makes her heart sing and considers every day a gift. Besides writing, Dora adores long walks, lazy afternoons in her hammock with a great book, and evening binges of Hallmark movies. Life’s too short to be stuck in traffic, to drink bad coffee, or to read books with a sad ending. Dora and her real-life hero, a retired fire chief, call North Carolina home, but with a world full of amazing places to explore, that’s only a landing point.

Join Dora's newsletter family for regular updates of her newest releases, awesome book deals, and happy sigh excerpts of sweet, clean and/or Christian romances. https://BookHip.com/QHDTAV

Connect with Dora on her website at www.dorahiers.com


Spring's Pact is a wonderfully written sweet romance that will capture your heart from the beginning of the first few pages. The main characters, Spring Season and Beckett Danver, are well-developed and have many layers. The storyline has a few tender subjects but is handled well, and I felt compassion for the Season family.

Spring comes to feel God's love through faith, forgiveness, and God's healing. There are tense moments, but then there are lots of sweet ones. I think this is one of the author's best yet. Highly recommended. The uplifting ending wrapped up everything nicely.

I received and ARC from the author; a positive review is not required. All opinions are my own.

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