Children have the power to turn simple everyday tasks into moments of intrigue and laughter.When getting dressed, they might just think:
"My pants are really easy
Since both my feet will fit.
And after I put both legs in,
I pull them up. That's it!
But shirts are very tricky;
They have three holes, not two!
And if you pick the wrong one,
Your head just won't go through!"
Delight in thirteen whimsical poems that capture the simple honesty of everyday childhood activities written from the perspective of three-to-six-year-olds. From getting dressed, eating snacks, or having stinky feet, you and your child will recognize yourself in these poems. Crafted to make you laugh, smile, and build memories with your kids.
The Moon In The Sky is written in easy-to-read poems and in subjects, a young child can relate to- it's as if they had been written by a child.
The poems had me laughing as I thought back to similar circumstances with my own children and grandchildren. It is a book I'm sure they will enjoy and plan to share with them.
The illustrations are large, very realistic, and well done. The watercolor look gives them a soft, easy on the eyes appearance, but grasp your attention. I was happy to see in the illustrations the dad was also involved in the care of the children in the story. It shows a full family involvement and brought a smile to my face.
The Moon In the Sky is a quick read that would be perfect to read at any time and fits in with some parents' busy schedules. One to be added to your library.
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Bruce Shutts has spent countless hours reading children’s picture books to his three children and five grandchildren over the past forty years. He also loves to create humorous poems for nearly every occasion he can imagine. Coupled with the fact that he often thinks and acts like a three-to-six-year-old, it makes his entrance into the world of children’s books a natural fit. He currently is retired with his wife of forty-five years and loves to travel, play golf, and (you guessed it) read books at night to his grandkids!
Interview with Bruce Shutts
Author of
“The Moon in the Sky”
Question: What made you decide to write a children’s
picture book?
Answer: I have always enjoyed reading books to my
children when they were young, and now to my grandchildren. I knew which books
made me smile and thought that I could create something along those lines. The
recent pandemic actually gave me the free time, not only to do the writing but
all of the work necessary to see it through into print.
Question: Your book describes everyday activities in
the life of a child. What makes those so interesting?
Answer: Children turn simple tasks or activities into
moments of intrigue and laughter. Much like the challenge of getting dressed by
themselves by not putting their head incorrectly into a shirt sleeve or getting
the shoes on the right feet. It also doesn’t hurt to include stories about
picking your nose or having stinky feet! Kids love it!
Question: Where did the title “The Moon in the Sky”
come from?
Answer: I mention in the book that my wife, along
with her mom, wrote a poem about the moon when she was in second grade. It was
passed down through our kids and grandkids. Though my book has nothing to do
with the moon, I was always going to title it in honor of that poem that
started it all.
Question: Has the writing experience been more or
less what you expected?
Answer: As a first-time author, I wasn’t sure what to
expect. I guess the writing and then working with the illustrator and editors
was the most straightforward. All of the details involved in getting a book
published proved to be the biggest challenge and created the most anxiety on my
part. One needs to do a lot of research or get some type of professional help
to get through that phase of your project.
Question: Are children’s picture books the only genre
you are interested in?
Answer: As far as writing, for sure. I often think
and act like a three-to-six-year-old, so that is a perfect fit for me. Kids are
great audiences and, while I can’t perform for them, at least I feel that by
creating a book that entertains them, I am doing the next best thing.