Friday, May 17, 2024

Review of New Release on May 21st- Searching for Evidence by Carol J. Post


With his K-9 partner’s help, can he save an innocent life?

K-9 officer Jared Miles stumbles upon a crime scene on his day off and believes Kassie Ashbaugh is the victim of a random attack. However, as threats on her life continue, he realizes that Kassie is in grave danger. Her father's abandoned boat suggests foul play, and Jared suspects someone is after Kassie for something her missing father is hiding. Can Jared unravel the mystery before unknown enemies catch her?

From Love Inspired Courage. Danger. Faith.

Canine Defense

Book 1: Searching for Evidence

To Order

My Review

I loved how the characters' faith in God had them relying on HIM in times of danger or uncertainty. The characters of Kassie and Jared had many layers. They appeared very real with strengths as well as faults. I loved the addition of the K-9 dog Justice.

The storyline was one roller coaster ride of suspense. Kassie had on situation after another thrown at her, and she had to be very brave and a quick thinker. I kept turning the pages as one twist after another kept me engaged. I couldn't put it down. The ending was amazing and wrapped up everything nicely. I can't wait for the next book in the series.

I received an ARC from the author and voluntarily chose to review it. All opinions are my own.

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