Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Review of New Release: "Texas Ranch Cold Case" by Virginia Vaughan


Solving a decades-old crime

will leave no place safe…

Twenty years after her mother vanished, Ally Fulton returns to Harmon Ranch—the last place she was seen—and barely makes it out alive. Someone doesn’t want Ally digging up the truth. With a target on her back, she reluctantly accepts protection from Officer Tucker Harmon. Can he keep Ally alive—and right his family’s wrongs—before she’s silenced for good?

From Love Inspired Courage. Danger. Faith.

Cowboy Protectors

Book 1: Kidnapped in Texas
Book 2: Texas Ranch Target
Book 3: Dangerous Texas Hideout
Book 4: Texas Ranch Cold Case

To Purchase

My Review

Texas Ranch Cold Case is a story about a twenty-year-old cold case, and the daughter, Ally that
desperately wants to find out what happened to her mother. She doesn't realize until she meets Tucker, that her life is about to change dramatically and throws them together for the search.

The story is full of suspense, danger, and unexpected twists and turns that kept me on the edge of my seat. Constant action and surprises kept me engaged in the story as I tried to determine what would happen next.

The ending wrapped up and revealed everything well. I was kept guessing until the end. You don't want to miss this roller-coaster ride of suspense!  Highly recommended.

I received an ARC from the author; a positive review is not required. All opinions are my own

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Julie Grace