Saturday, June 8, 2024

Review of Trouble in Assisi by Heidi Eljarbo


Series: A Fabiola Bennett Mystery #2
Author: Heidi Eljarbo
Publisher: Independently Published
Release Date: 28 May 2024
Genre: Historical Mystery, Dual-timeline art mystery, Italian Historical Fiction

This is the second book in a dual-timeline art mystery series by Heidi Eljarbo—an intriguing spin-off from her much-loved Soli Hansen Mysteries.

Assisi, 1973. On art historian Fabiola Bennett’s first day in Assisi, a local gentleman takes her aside to ask for advice about a painting that has wondrously appeared in the basilica’s bell tower. So much for enjoying relaxing days filled with dining on pasta and gelato. Soon, Fabiola and her besties, Pippa and Cary, are thrown into a shrouded mystery and caught up in a whirlwind of intrigue, theft, lies, and attempted murder, all of which overshadows the postcard-like charm of the small, historic town.

Rome, 1511.Life is going well for Teodoro Nicoletti. Since he was a young man in Florence, he has worked and learned alongside the most-favored artist Raphael. When Pope Julius II commissions Raphael to paint several frescos in the reception rooms of the Vatican Palace, Teodoro follows his master to Rome and discovers firsthand the admiration and rivalry between Raphael and two other reigning Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci. But the prickliest thorn in Teodoro’s side is his beloved Elisabetta’s father. The old man is determined to keep his youngest daughter from becoming Teodoro’s wife.

To Order

My Review

Trouble in Assisi is the second book in the series and just as good as the first. It's a dual-timeline story about the adventures of Fabiola Bennett and takes place in Rome 1511 and Assisi in 1973. With one circumstance after another, I couldn't put it down.

The characters are well-developed and have lots of layers. My favorite is Fabiola who is determined in her work, has a lack of fear when faced with danger, yet is a very caring and intelligent art historian and investigator. The wonderful historical details, the mystery, and the many twists and turns kept me turning the pages.

Being an art lover, this book spoke to me and the details about the artists of 1511 brought the book to life. I felt like I was watching a movie unfold as I read. I kept trying to guess how it would end, but the ending still surprised me. A great read and I highly recommend it.

I received a complimentary copy from the author. A positive review is not required, and all opinions are my own.

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