Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Review of New Release: "Texas Ranch Cold Case" by Virginia Vaughan


Solving a decades-old crime

will leave no place safe…

Twenty years after her mother vanished, Ally Fulton returns to Harmon Ranch—the last place she was seen—and barely makes it out alive. Someone doesn’t want Ally digging up the truth. With a target on her back, she reluctantly accepts protection from Officer Tucker Harmon. Can he keep Ally alive—and right his family’s wrongs—before she’s silenced for good?

From Love Inspired Courage. Danger. Faith.

Cowboy Protectors

Book 1: Kidnapped in Texas
Book 2: Texas Ranch Target
Book 3: Dangerous Texas Hideout
Book 4: Texas Ranch Cold Case

To Purchase

My Review

Texas Ranch Cold Case is a story about a twenty-year-old cold case, and the daughter, Ally that
desperately wants to find out what happened to her mother. She doesn't realize until she meets Tucker, that her life is about to change dramatically and throws them together for the search.

The story is full of suspense, danger, and unexpected twists and turns that kept me on the edge of my seat. Constant action and surprises kept me engaged in the story as I tried to determine what would happen next.

The ending wrapped up and revealed everything well. I was kept guessing until the end. You don't want to miss this roller-coaster ride of suspense!  Highly recommended.

I received an ARC from the author; a positive review is not required. All opinions are my own

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Review of "Beryl's Bounty Hunter by Linda Shenton Matchett



About the Book


Book: Beryl’s Bounty Hunter

Author: Linda Shenton Matchett

Genre: Christian Historical Romance

Release date: August 15, 2023

Can a thief and a lawman find happiness?

Orphaned as a child, Beryl Atherton has lived on the streets of London for as long as she can remember. Reduced to stealing for survival, she is arrested. During her incarceration, one of her cellmates shows her a newspaper ad for an American mail-order bride agency. But all is not as it seems, and moments after landing in Boston, she must run for her life. Will things be no different for her in the New World?

Working as a bounty hunter since The War Between the States, Lucas Wolf just needs a few more cases before he can hang up his gun, purchase a ranch out West, and apply for a mail-order bride from the Westward Home & Hearts Mail-Order Bride Agency. While staking out the docks in Boston, he sees a woman fleeing from the man he’s been tailing. Saving her risks his job. Not saving her risks his heart.


Click here to get your copy!


About the Author

Linda Shenton Matchett writes happily-ever-after historical Christian fiction about second chances and women who overcome life’s challenges to be better versions of themselves. A native of Baltimore, Maryland, she has lived in historic places all her life and currently resides in central New Hampshire where in her off hours, she serves as a volunteer docent and archivist for the Wright Museum of WWII.



More from Linda

Dear Reader:

I’ve been an Anglophile as long as I can remember, from reading the classics like Dickens and Austen to watching BBC television. In honor of Beryl’s English heritage, I hope you enjoy this scrumptious scone recipe:

2 C unbleached all-purpose flour

2 T sugar

4 t baking powder

½ t salt

3 T unsalted butter, cold

1 egg yolk beaten with 1 T milk (for glaze)

Strawberry jam (to serve)

Preheat your oven to 425F.

In a medium bowl, place the flour, sugar, baking powder, salt, and butter. Rub the mixture together with your fingers to break up the butter, until the mixture resembles fine breadcrumbs.

Add the milk slowly, mixing as you add, using enough of the milk to get your dough to come together with no lumps remaining. (Your dough should be quite sticky. If a good consistency is not achieved with the listed amount of milk, continue adding until your dough reaches a good consistency.)

Spoon the dough out until a well-floured surface. Generously dust the top of the dough and knead the dough 2-3 times to coat it with flour and smooth the surface. Press the dough into a round that is roughly 1 inch thick.

Using a well-floured cookie cutter, cut the dough into 2-inch circles. (Be sure to press the cookie cutter straight down and up. Twisting the cookie cutter will impact the amount of rise you get on your scones.)

Place the rounds onto a greased and floured baking sheet. Brush them gently with the egg yolk and milk mixture.

Bake the scones for 12-15 minutes, until golden and firm.

Remove the baked scones from the oven and let them cool for 30 minutes (if you can resist). If you like softer scones, cover them with a clean tea towel as they cool.

My Review

Bery's Bounty Hunter is a fast-paced Western novel with somewhat different characters. Beryl originally from Liverpool, goes to America in answer to an ad from a mail-order bride agency. She meets Nellie along the way. Thinking things aren't what they appear, Beryl escapes the couple accompanying them.

The storyline is filled with twists, danger, and deception. The main characters are well developed, the descriptions of the countryside and cities made the places come alive, and the story was an easy writing style to follow. The ending wrapped up nicely. I enjoyed the references and prayers to God and how the characters' faith grew.

I received a complimentary copy from the author and voluntarily chose to review it. A positive review is not required. All opinions are my own.

               Blog Stops

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, June 21

Texas Book-aholic, June 22

Bizwings Book Blog, June 23

Locks, Hooks and Books, June 24

Stories By Gina, June 25 (Author Interview)

Madisyn Carlin, June 25

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, June 26

Paula’s Pad of Inspiration, June 27

The Lofty Pages, June 28

Connie’s History Classroom, June 29

Jodie Wolfe – Stories Where Hope and Quirky Meet, June 30 (Author Interview)

Devoted To Hope, June 30

For Him and My Family, July 1

Holly’s Book Corner, July 2

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, July 3

Tell Tale Book Reviews, July 4 (Author Interview) 


To celebrate her tour, Linda is giving away the grand prize package of a $25 Visa Gift Card and signed copy of the book!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.


Friday, June 21, 2024

Review of "All the Little Animals" Children's Book by Joy Jordon-Lake


From aardvarks to zebras and everything in between, you and your littles are invited to follow along as the animals of the world go to bed. Learn about their silly routines and their super-sweet snuggles as you tuck in and kiss your own little baby bears good night.

Author Joy Jordan-Lake has brought to life her great-grandmother's tradition of putting the children to bed with this gentle litany. And illustrations by bestselling illustrator Jane Chapman make this bedtime book come to life.

All the Little A Bedtime Book from A-Z is perfect for

boys and girls ages 4 to 8 years old and families looking for a sweet and lyrical bedtime read, children interested in exploring the different types of animals around the world, bringing the zoo to you on rainy days, and teaching littles the alphabet. Start a new family tradition with All the Little Animals.

To Purchase

My Review

All the Little Animals is a lovely bedtime storybook that covers animals from A-Z with rhyming text. The illustrations are beautifully drawn and colored to catch the eye of any child. I feel children will love it and it will become a book read often.

I'm sure that younger children will be drawn to the illustrations while being read to. Children will learn that even though animals are much different, there are similarities when it comes to the need for sleep. I know my grandchildren will love it.

I received a complimentary copy from the publisher and a positive review is not required.All opinions are my own.

Review of "Hoo's There: A Silly Book for the Bedtime Scaries" Children's Book by Kristi Valiant


Little ones, face your nighttime fears with--laughter! Alongside an owl and pig with big imaginations who discover that frightening noises in the dark are often not-so-scary after all.

This silly board book reassures toddlers and preschoolers that the bumps in the night they hear at bedtime are not monsters but everyday objects, people, and animals going about their evenings. Hoo's There by author-illustrator Kristi Valiant

is for babies, toddlers, and preschoolers 0 to 4;tells the funny story of Hampton the owl and Figgy the pig as they work together to fend off a scary-sounding monster that turns out to be someone friendly and ready to play;features lovable characters and playful, rhyming text;helps kids overcome fears of the dark; andis the perfect light-hearted gift for Halloween or any little one who likes friendly, spooky surprises.This humorous book will have your family giggling as you ask "Hoo's There?" in response to nighttime sounds and surprises.

To Purchase

My Review

Hoo's There is a charming book that is washable for young children. It will turn nighttime fears into humor and laughter. It has rhyming text, is well-made, and will entertain children with its brightly colored illustrations. The story isn't all scary and has a wonderful ending that children will love.

This is a great board book to add to your children's library for babies to four-year-olds.

I received a complimentary copy from the publisher and a positive review is not required. All opinions are my own.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Review of The Amish Book Cellar by Tracy Fredrychowski


The Amish Book Cellar JustRead Blog Tour

Welcome to the Blog Tour for The Amish Book Cellar by Tracy Fredrychowski hosted by JustRead Publicity Tours!

About the Book

The Amish Book Cellar

Title: The Amish Book Cellar
Willow Springs Amish Mystery Romance #1
Tracy Fredrychowski
The Tracer Group, LLC
Release Date: June 4, 2024
Christian Fiction Amish Cozy Mystery

It will take everything she has to face her past. Can this wayward woman find her way back into the hearts of her Amish Community? 

When a mistake forces Lydia Troyer to leave her Amish roots in exchange for a new life as an Englischer, she finds herself running from more than her past as Wally Troyer's rebellious daughter. 

Upon her father's untimely death, she is called home to take over The Book Cellar, Willow Springs's favorite Amish bookstore. A series of strange happenings and whispers among her people lead her to suspect there are more than books hidden in the cellar. Will she chance getting her heart broken again if she leans on a longtime friend and carpenter, Aaron Shetler, to help her discover the truth? 

Widower Aaron Shetler has too much at stake to allow Lydia Troyer back into his life. Will it take his young daughter, Mattie Rose, to convince him what he yearns for the most is the one thing he's fighting against the hardest? 

 Together with their Labrador Yankee, Lydia, and Aaron help bring to light a century of mysteries waiting to be unearthed about some of Willow Springs's most upstanding citizens. 

Can this woman find the courage to stand up for what is right and find her place back among her people?  

PURCHASE LINKS: Goodreads | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Bookshop | BookBub


Lydia Troyer was an interesting character and was my favorite. She was determined and seemed to run towards danger instead of away. Past mistakes plague Lydia, and she feels guilty about leaving her Amish family. Now an Englisher living and working in Pittsburgh with a good paying job as a podcast host. An unexpected event finds her back in her hometown facing what she has been trying to forget.

The storyline has many moments of danger, twists, and turns that I wasn't expecting. It's an easy-to-read mystery romance with plenty of clues to keep you guessing. I enjoyed reading it and look forward to the next book in the series. The ending was surprising but wrapped up everything nicely. I highly recommend it.

I received a complimentary copy from the author, and a positive review is not required. All opinions are my own.

Also Available

Allie's Amish Family Miracle

About the Author

Tracy Fredrychowski

Tracy Fredrychowski’s life closely mirrors the gentle, simple stories she crafts in her writing. With a passion for the simpler side of life, Tracy regularly shares tips on her website and blog at tracyfredrychowski.com

In northwestern Pennsylvania, Tracy grew up steeping in the virtues of country living. A pivotal moment in her life was the tragic murder of a young Amish woman in her community. This event profoundly influenced her, compelling her to dedicate her writing to the peaceful lives of the Amish people. Tracy aims to inspire her readers through her stories to embrace a life centered around faith, family, and community. 

For those intrigued by the Amish way of life, Tracy extends an invitation to connect with her on facebook.com/tracyfredrychowskiauthor. On her page and group, she shares captivating Amish photography by her friend Jim Fisher and recipes, short stories, and glimpses into her cherished Amish community nestled deep in the heart of northwestern Pennsylvania’s Amish County.

Connect with Tracy at tracyfredrychowski.com to follow her on social media and sign up for email updates.

Tour Giveaway

(2) winners will win a $25 Amazon gift card!

The Amish Book Cellar JustRead Tours blog giveaway

Full tour schedule linked below. The giveaway begins at midnight June 18, 2024 and will last through 11:59 PM EST on June 25, 2024. Winners will be notified within 2 weeks of close of the giveaway and given 48 hours to respond or risk forfeiture of prize. US/CAN only. Void where prohibited by law or logistics.

Giveaway is subject to JustRead Publicity Tours Giveaway Policies.

Enter Giveaway

Follow along at JustRead Tours for a full list of stops!

JustRead Publicity Tours

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Review of "The Firing Squad"- In Theatres on August 2nd!


The Highlights

  • It is based on a TRUE STORY that happened just a few years ago (2015). “They faced death. And chose life.”
  • Starring James Barrington, Kevin Sorbo (“God’s Not Dead”, “Let There Be Light”), and Cuba Gooding, Jr.
  • Premier in up to 2,500 theatres as early as August 2024 across the nation
  • The filmmakers have been supported by Campus Crusade for Christ (Cru), Calvary Chapel, Pastor Greg Laurie, NACC, Baptist Press, Christian Cinema, NRB, Kay Arthur, Precept Ministries, The Christian Post, The Fish Radio, Rebecca St. James, Family Christian, Lifeway Christian Resources, Talbot Seminary, Biola University, Dallas Theological Seminary, Baptist News, Daystar TV, Evangelical Press Assn, Life Surge, et al.
  • Supported by the Marketing Teams behind 'The Passion of the Christ', 'Son of God', 'Sound of Freedom

Inspired by the true story of three Christians who face execution by firing squad in a third world country. Their courage and faith in the days leading up to the execution inspire the entire prison camp and results in a stunning conclusion.

My Review

The Firing Squad is a powerful movie that will touch your heart even after the movie concludes. I don't know how anyone could watch it and not be moved. Based on a true story made it even more impactful.

I found myself crying and then smiling as souls were saved. The movie has wonderful actors such as Kevin Sorbo, Cuba Gooding Jr, and James Barrington who played such wonderful parts in the movie.

I highly recommend seeing this movie, especially by unsaved family members and friends. It will be in theatres nationwide Aug. 2nd and I hope it brings many to Christ. Don't miss you chance to see it!

Monday, June 10, 2024

Review Spotlight of New Release: Adoration by Jo Huddleston


Adoration: A Sweet Southern Romance (Emotions of the Heart, book 3) by Jo Huddleston

Genre: Christian Romance

Publisher: Winged Publications

Release date: June 10, 2024

Purchase link: https://amzn.to/3Qqwqnn

Book Description - 


From “a wonderful storyteller” of Southern fiction: A trusting teacher who loves with all her heart and a successful lawyer who is naïve about women meet in this 1950s sweet romance of love and deceit.


Fran Wilson secretly gives her heart to Bobby Joe Anderson when they meet. More than a year later, he hasn’t mentioned the word love. What if he has no romantic emotions toward her and never will?


Bobby Joe Anderson is a successful lawyer who can passionately argue cases in a courtroom. However, when it comes to relationships and expressing his feelings, he’s innocently naïve. But if he doesn’t wise up, he may lose Fran, whom he loves.


Fran adores Bobby Joe; however, her patience with him wears thin, and she dates a co-worker she’s just met. But when the new man’s behavior becomes disturbing, she feels unsafe and questions her association with a stranger. Will Fran return to Bobby Joe for her happily ever after? Will he accept Fran after what he considers her betrayal?\

                                   ENTER THE GIVEAWAY

 To enter the giveaway, leave a comment with your email. Three winners will be chosen to win an ebook copy of "Adoration."

Excerpt - Adoration

When Bobby Joe entered the law office on Monday morning, he greeted Susannah with a beaming smile and a melodious “Good morning.”

“Good morning. You certainly are upbeat on a Monday.”

“Yes, ma’am, I am.”

“To what do we owe your cheerful attitude?”

“All’s right with the world!”

He walked sprightly past her desk and down the hall toward his office. Depositing his briefcase there, he went to the break room for coffee. When he passed Edward’s open office door, he knocked lightly.

Edward looked up. “Good morning, Bobby Joe. What can I do for you?”

“Well, nothing this morning. You did it all last Monday when we talked. I just wanted to thank you for your advice regarding Fran.”

“You’re welcome. Did you follow my advice? Did it work?”

“Yeah, I did. I saw Fran Saturday night, and we both got some things out in the open. It was a little rough in the beginning, but we got everything all cleared up and shared our feelings like you suggested.”

“So, you’re both happy with the outcome?”

“We are.”

“Did you propose?”

Bobby Joe took a step inside Edward’s office. “Propose what?”

“You told Fran you loved her, didn’t you?”


“Well, did you ask her to marry you?”

Bobby Joe dropped onto one of Edward’s armchairs facing him. “No. Was I supposed to?”

Edward suppressed a smile. “Well, nothing says you have to ask a woman to marry you when you tell her you love her. Do you want to marry Fran?”

“Oh, yeah…someday. I’ve been saving up to buy myself a house like Gene did before I married. Wouldn’t that be the best way to do it?”

“I suppose there are two sides to that question. Gene was smart to already own a house before he met Bernice. But look at me—I’m married, and I still don’t own a house. That proves you can make it either way.”

Bobby Joe mulled over Edward’s words a moment. “I see. What would you recommend I do? I mean, about asking Fran to marry me?”

“If it were me, mind you, and I wanted to marry a certain woman someday, I’d ask her and get a ring on her finger to let other guys know she’s taken.”

Bobby Joe’s thoughts immediately went to that teacher, Ronald.

“Say, when is Fran’s birthday?”

Bobby Joe had to think a minute. “In May.”

“That’s a long way off to wait to give her an engagement ring. But Christmas is coming up next month. You might want to think about proposing to Fran around the holiday, and the ring could be her Christmas present.”

“Wow. That would be cool. I’ll think about that. Thanks, Edward…again.”

“You’re welcome.”

Bobby Joe forgot about his coffee and whistled a quiet little tune, walking back to his office. 

Excerpted from Adoration by Jo Huddleston. Copyright © 2024 by Jo Huddleston. All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher. Used by permission.

Jo Huddleston Bio

Award-winning and bestselling author Jo Huddleston writes sweet Southern mid-20th-century romance. Her stories are inspired by her fascination with the 1950s and love of her native American South. Jo’s readers describe her as a wonderful storyteller whose books will inspire and entertain you.

Jo likes to laugh with people but not at people. The beach is her favorite vacation spot. Jo doesn't like to see or hear about people or animals being abused. She's a spectator fan of several sports, her favorite being tennis. Jo doesn't enjoy being in the dark and is fearful of snakes!

Visit Jo at johuddleston.com where you can read the first chapter of her novels and novellas and receive a free eBook when you sign up for her newsletter.

My Review

Book #3, Emotions of the Heart series. This book is an excellent read with characters I could immediately connect with. They were interesting and had many layers.  

The storyline occurs at Colbert & Colbert Law Firm but leans more toward how the characters react to change and struggle.  

Circumstances and twists I didn't see coming kept me turning the pages to see what would happen next.  The story has some sadness but then shows how God blesses people despite it.  It is a sweet love story with a flair for mystery and suspense.

I received an ARC from the author and a positive review is not required. All opinions are my own.

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Review of Trouble in Assisi by Heidi Eljarbo


Series: A Fabiola Bennett Mystery #2
Author: Heidi Eljarbo
Publisher: Independently Published
Release Date: 28 May 2024
Genre: Historical Mystery, Dual-timeline art mystery, Italian Historical Fiction

This is the second book in a dual-timeline art mystery series by Heidi Eljarbo—an intriguing spin-off from her much-loved Soli Hansen Mysteries.

Assisi, 1973. On art historian Fabiola Bennett’s first day in Assisi, a local gentleman takes her aside to ask for advice about a painting that has wondrously appeared in the basilica’s bell tower. So much for enjoying relaxing days filled with dining on pasta and gelato. Soon, Fabiola and her besties, Pippa and Cary, are thrown into a shrouded mystery and caught up in a whirlwind of intrigue, theft, lies, and attempted murder, all of which overshadows the postcard-like charm of the small, historic town.

Rome, 1511.Life is going well for Teodoro Nicoletti. Since he was a young man in Florence, he has worked and learned alongside the most-favored artist Raphael. When Pope Julius II commissions Raphael to paint several frescos in the reception rooms of the Vatican Palace, Teodoro follows his master to Rome and discovers firsthand the admiration and rivalry between Raphael and two other reigning Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci. But the prickliest thorn in Teodoro’s side is his beloved Elisabetta’s father. The old man is determined to keep his youngest daughter from becoming Teodoro’s wife.

To Order

My Review

Trouble in Assisi is the second book in the series and just as good as the first. It's a dual-timeline story about the adventures of Fabiola Bennett and takes place in Rome 1511 and Assisi in 1973. With one circumstance after another, I couldn't put it down.

The characters are well-developed and have lots of layers. My favorite is Fabiola who is determined in her work, has a lack of fear when faced with danger, yet is a very caring and intelligent art historian and investigator. The wonderful historical details, the mystery, and the many twists and turns kept me turning the pages.

Being an art lover, this book spoke to me and the details about the artists of 1511 brought the book to life. I felt like I was watching a movie unfold as I read. I kept trying to guess how it would end, but the ending still surprised me. A great read and I highly recommend it.

I received a complimentary copy from the author. A positive review is not required, and all opinions are my own.

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Review of New Release: The Crown Conspiracy by Connie Mann


She’s a master at spotting a forgery . . . and knowing how to create one. But can she solve a decades-old mystery?

The media spotlight is the last thing art thief and forger Sophie Williams needs. But when one of three long-missing royal portraits turns up in Germany at her best friend’s art gallery, the spotlight is 
exactly what she gets. Since the tragic deaths of Princess Johanna of Neuhansberg and her two children forty years ago, the whereabouts of these portraits have been unknown . . . and the timing of their reappearance—just days before a new prince’s coronation—reignites questions surrounding the infamous accident.

Then Sophie’s best friend vanishes, and a rumor about hidden treasure connected to the paintings surfaces, seemingly confirmed by a cryptic message on the back of the first canvas. Convinced that finding the other two portraits will lead to her friend, Sophie begins a twisty investigation that pits her against other ruthless treasure hunters, a handsome investigator who seems to dog her trail at every turn, and a mysterious group that offers help, wearing an emblem identical to one on the painting.

From Germany’s grand castles and soaring cathedrals through the Alps to the canals of Venice, Sophie must choose her allies carefully if she hopes to find the portraits, rescue her best friend—and perhaps save a throne—before time runs out.

  • A clean, contemporary adventure with a dash of romance
  • A thrilling cold case mystery
  • Includes discussion questions for book groups


The Speranza team are taken on an adventure of their lives. When girls from the encampments are missing, Lise and Sophie look into what happened. The Crown Conspiracy has wonderfully developed characters, non-stop action, art thefts, trips to many different places, and all while being chased by the bad guys.

The non-stop action has lots of twists and turns that have you puzzled one instance after another. Friend or Foe? Robin Hood thief, art investigator, and the police are all involved. A set of characters that will have your head swimming in delight trying to figure it all out.

Everything wraps up nicely in the end with surprises that will make you smile and go, "A-hah!" I can't wait for the next in the series. I highly recommend it.

I received an ARC from the author; a positive review is not required. All opinions are my own.

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Review of Chain of Mercy by Brenda S. Anderson


Chain of Mercy JustRead Blog Tour

Welcome to the Blog Tour for Chain of Mercy by Brenda S. Anderson, hosted by JustRead Publicity Tours!

About the Book

Chain of Mercy

Title: Chain of Mercy
Coming Home
Brenda Anderson
Independently published through The Mosaic Collection (2nd ed.)
Release Date:
April 22, 2014 (1st ed.)
Contemporary Romance (Christian)

A devastating argument
One reckless decision

An unforgivable sin

Successful Manhattan businessman Richard Brooks is living the dream, drunk with success and all its trappings, until one reckless decision turns his dream life into a living nightmare. 

Richard flees to Minneapolis where he repairs ancient boilers instead of solving corporate problems, and he's determined to live the solitary life he now deserves. 

Executive Sheila Peterson has other plans for the handsome custodian. Richard appears to be the perfect match for the no-strings-attached romance she's after, but she soon discovers that he's hiding more than the designer clothes in his closet. 

Richard can't deny the allure of a relationship with Sheila. The closer they get, though, the greater the risk that she will discover not only who he used to be but also the unforgivable sin he committed that reckless night. 

 PURCHASE LINKS: Goodreads | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Bookshop | BookBub


Chain of Mercy is the perfect title for this emotional story covering a tough subject but is handled very well and brings insights into the physical and mental issues of abortion.

The characters of Richard and Sheila appeared real with real strengths and flaws, each struggling with their demons. Richard, a backsliding Christian, and Sheila, unsure if she believes a God exists. Meghan was another character that went from a hate-filled heart but was redeemed and bad turned to good.

I saw God's influence in this insightful and inspirational read and was drawn into the story from the beginning pages. As the story unfolded, it was evident that God used people and equipped them when they felt unqualified for the task. I can't wait to read and highly recommend the rest of the series.

I received a copy from Netgalley and a positive review is not required. All opinions are my own.

About the Author

Brenda S. Anderson

Brenda S. Anderson writes authentic and gritty life-affirming fiction that shows God at work in people’s messy lives. She enjoys live sports and theater, walking along the shores of Lake Superior, and sharing hot cocoa with friends and family. She lives near Minneapolis with her newly retired husband and their mischievous twin kitties.

Connect with Brenda at brendaandersonbooks.com to follow her on social media and sign up for email updates.

Tour Giveaway

(1) winner will win a book box which includes a paperback copy of Chain of Mercy and locally crafted, book-related items like a Booktrovert glass tumbler, bath balls, a bookish tote, bookmarks, and much more!

Chain of Mercy JustRead Tours blog giveaway

Full tour schedule linked below. The giveaway begins at midnight May 28, 2024 and will last through 11:59 PM EST on June 4, 2024. Winners will be notified within 2 weeks of close of the giveaway and given 48 hours to respond or risk forfeiture of prize. US only for book box. Winner outside the US will receive a $30 Amazon gift card and ebook. Void where prohibited by law or logistics.

Giveaway is subject to JustRead Publicity Tours Giveaway Policies.

Enter Giveaway

Follow along at JustRead Tours for a full list of stops!

JustRead Publicity Tours