Friday, October 22, 2021

There Is A Season Blog Tour & Giveaway by Andrea Boeshaar


About the Book


Book: There Is a Season

Author: Andrea Boeshaar

Genre: Christian Historical Fiction

Release date: September 1, 2021


To onlookers, Carrie Ann Bell Collier might appear to be the dutiful wife, sitting at her unconscious husband’s bedside. But she feels like a hypocrite. Instead of trusting her intuition, she allowed herself to believe Peyton was dead. And then she fell in love with his best friend, Eli Kent.

Except, Peyton wasn’t dead, and now Carrie will do anything to keep him alive.

Click here to get your copy!

There Is A Season has all the historical details of a novel surrounding the Civil War but also has lots of surprises, suspense, and mystery.

I found the main characters to be very relatable and felt their pain and frustration as I turned the pages. Carrie & Payton were married before he went to war. Injured and spending months in the hospital, his health takes a weird turn.

There were twists to the story that kept me engaged, wondering what would happen next. Highly recommended read.

I received a copy from the author and willingly choose to review it.




Andrea Boeshaar was born and raised in Wisconsin but now lives in South Carolina. She had her husband Daniel have been married more than 40 years.  They have 3 grown sons, 1 beautiful daughter-in-law, and 5 grandkids.

Andrea’s publishing career began in 1994 when her first novel was released by Heartsong Presents book club (Barbour Publishing). In 2007, Andrea earned her certification in Christian life coaching and she’ll soon earn her bachelor’s degree in Business Management.

Meanwhile, Andrea continues to write. Her latest novel is There is a Season: A Civil War Novel. It’s book 3 in her Shenandoah Valley Saga. Recent historical short novels include: Give Me Thine Heart, Love’s Guiding Light (Steeple View Publishing).

For more information and to sign up for her newsletter, log on to her website.


More from Andrea

At last, the long-awaited third and final book in Andrea Boeshaar’s Shenandoah Valley Saga is available for purchase. Discover the final outcome of the lives of the characters you came to love in Books 1 and 2.

                              Blog Stops

Texas Book-aholic, October 22

Connie’s History Classroom, October 23

Bizwings Blog, October 23

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, October 24

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, October 25

Genesis 5020, October 25

Inklings and notions, October 26

For Him and My Family, October 27

Musings of a Sassy Bookish Mama, October 28

Babbling Becky L’s Book Impressions, October 29

Betti Mace, October 29

Bigreadersite, October 30

deb’s Book Review, October 31

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, October 31

Locks, Hooks and Books, November 1

Ashley’s Clean Book Reviews, November 2

A Modern Day Fairy Tale, November 3

Simple Harvest Reads, November 3 (Guest Review from Donna Cline)

The Meanderings of a Bookworm, November 4


To celebrate her tour, Andrea is giving away the grand prize package of a themed basket and a $50 VISA gift card!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

Enter Giveaway


Saturday, October 16, 2021

Cover Reveal- "The Sherwood Proof" by Kristee Ravan


On Tour with Prism Book Tours
Welcome to the Cover Reveal for
The Sherwood Proof
By Kristee Ravan

Coming November 2021...

The Sherwood Proof
(The Lily Sparrow Chronicles #3)
By Kristee Ravan
Middle-grade, Fairytale, Fantasy

Lily Sparrow has finally created an equation for being a good princess. Things are adding up and making sense, and she’s even growing a measurable amount more excited about her future. But unexpected variables keep being tossed into her equation:

1. Carole Claus is facing her first hurdle as Santa. She needs Lily’s help.
2. Lily’s Half-Birthday--an important Smythian tradition--is coming up, requiring her to find time to prepare for it.
3. Her algebra teacher has an unusual (and stressful plan) for Lily.
4. Lily remains convinced that her mom is hiding something from her.
5. The investigation into the traitor is an on-going source of stress and tension at work for Lily and Calo.
6. Oh, and Calo’s still betrothed to Su’Sauna, making life difficult and confusing all around.

Will Lily be able to place these variables securely in her equation? Will the Sparrow family find a way to convince their critics they are good for the Kingdom? Or will everything fall apart--subtracting all the good will Lily has already earned from her citizens?

Other Books in the Series

About the Author

Kristee Ravan lives in Oklahoma with her husband, daughter, and pet fish, Val (short for Valentine). She wanted to be many things as she grew up including a general, an artist, and an architect. But she never bothered to say, "I want to be a writer when I grow up." She was always writing stories and thought of herself as a writer anyway. She sent her first story to a publisher in the sixth grade. (It was rejected - in a nice way.) When she is not making up stories in her head, she enjoys reading, juggling, green smoothies, playing dollhouse with her daughter, and hearing from her fans. You can contact Kristee at the facebook page for her Lily Sparrow books: The Lily Sparrow Chronicles.

Tour Giveaway

A print copy of The Cinderella Theorem and a $25 Amazon card (US only)

Ends October 19, 2021

Grab Our Button!

Bedtime with Mommy by Nancy I Sanders


                   BEDTIME WITH MOMMY

                                                                    By Nancy I. Sanders

                                                                  Illustrated by: Felia Hanakata                                 

All around the world, it’s bedtime, and Mommies are tucking little ones into bed. From the elephants on the grasslands to the camels in the desert to the polar bears in the Arctic, it’s time for snuggles, prayers, and bedtime kisses. This adorable board book features a Mommy and baby animal in eight different habitats getting ready for bed. The final spread features Mommy tucking a child into bed.

To Order

                                                          Nancy I Sanders

Nancy I. Sanders is the children’s author of over 100 books, published with houses both big and small. 

Nancy’s nonfiction picture book, D is for Drinking Gourd: An African American Alphabet, (Sleeping Bear Press) won various awards and sold over 80,000 copies upon initial publication.

 Her delightful classroom bestseller with Scholastic Teaching Resources, 25 Read and Write Mini-Books That Teach Word Families, has sold over 300,000 copies and is still selling strong.

Author page on Amazon


"Bedtime with Mommy" is a high-quality padded front and back cover book with sturdy hard washable pages.  The illustrations are warm, colorful, with rhyming messages that will warm your heart.  The pages will make you smile.

The variety of background settings with different animals and their mothers will hold your child or grandchild's attention.  God's message of love comes through every page and is one you will be proud to introduce to any child.  

Perfect for that lovely nighttime story you have been looking for. Highly recommended.

Friday, October 15, 2021

A Heart's Forever Home Blog Tour & Giveaway by Lena Nelson Dooley



About the Book


Book: A Heart’s Forever Home

Author: Lena Nelson Dooley

Genre: Christian Historical Romance

Release date: August 17, 2021


A single lawyer whose clients think he needs a wife.

A woman who needs a forever home…or a forever family…or a forever love.

Although Traesa Killdare is a grown woman now, the discovery that her adoption wasn’t finalized sends her reeling. Especially when her beloved grandmother dies and the only siblings she’s ever known exile her from the family property without a penny to her name.

Wilson Pollard works hard for the best interest of his law clients, even those who think a marriage would make him more “suitable” in his career. And when the beloved granddaughter of a recently deceased client comes to him for help, he knows he must do whatever necessary to make her situation better.

As each of their circumstances worsen, a marriage of convenience seems the only answer for both. Traesa can’t help but fall for her new husband—the man who’s given her both his home and his name. But what will it take for Wilson to realize he loves her? Will a not-so-natural disaster open his eyes and heart?


Click here to get your copy!

Traesa and Wilson due to extenuating circumstances, decide on a marriage of convenience. Traesa, an orphan, was adopted, or so she thought. Wilson, a lawyer, tries to find the papers to prove her ties to the Hilliard estate.

The storyline is full of suspense, mystery, and lots of twists. There was one thing that wasn't really settled in the story and I'm wondering if there isn't another book in the works.

A Heart's Forever Home is an exciting read with a happy ending. A lesson in how two people can learn to love amongst unusual circumstances. The addition of spiritual content was perfect. Highly recommended.

I received a complimentary copy from the author and voluntarily choose to review it. All opinions are my own


About the Author

Lena Nelson Dooley has been an author for 36 years. Her 51st book was released in June 2020. Raised in Arkansas, she married a Texan 56 years ago. They have lived in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex for decades. 

She is an active member of ACFW and one of the founding members of the DFW local chapter. She’s often been a speaker for other writers’ groups and conferences, both as a keynote speaker and a workshop teacher. 

Her fans love reading her books filled with characters who grip your heart.


More from Lena

I’ve been a lover of history for decades. In college and graduate school, all my elective courses were history. Of course, I chose the countries and eras I wanted to learn about. When I began writing novels, my first one was a contemporary story. After that at least 75% or more of my novels have been historical, all the way from 1805 through the early 20th century.

One of the hallmarks of my historical novels is the authenticity I write into the stories. Because of the amount of research I’ve done over the years, I’m kind of an expert in 19th-century history. My characters and their stories are completely fictional, but the other things in the book are mostly true. I search until I find what I need to know or until I reach a complete dead end.

The history of the orphan trains has interested me since I first learned about them. One of them ended in Fort Worth where a pastor and his wife helped find the last orphans a home. A few didn’t get a home, so they took them in. In the 20th century that became an orphanage, then a home for unwed mothers.

A Heart’s Forever Home has three settings—Fort Worth, Texas; Waco, Texas; and New York City. It’s a Marriage of Convenience story and much more. This is another type of story I like to read and I like to write. Finding a different reason for the necessity of the marriage is interesting.

I’d found an event that occurred north of Waco in 1896. It was so bizarre I wanted to include it in a book. It was a perfect fit for this story and became an important catalyst in the story.

I’m what’s called in the industry a seat-of-the-pants author, more or less. I do have the complete outline of the story in my head. When I sit down to write, I know where I’m going, but I don’t have every single scene plotted out as some authors do. And I pray… a lot. During the time I’m writing a book, God drops ideas into my thought processes. Not just while I’m writing, but other times, too. That’s the exciting thing about writing. This keeps it fresh for me.

When you’ve finished reading this story, I hope you’ll let me know what you think of it. I really like getting reader feedback.

                                                       Blog Stops

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, October 12

Maureen’s Musings, October 12

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, October 13

The Book Chic Blog, October 13

Texas Book-aholic, October 14

deb’s Book Review, October 14

Bizwings Blog, October 15

Reviewingbooksplusmore, October 15

By the Book, October 16

Kathleen’s Book Review, October 16

lakesidelivingsite, October 17

For Him and My Family, October 17

Abba’s Prayer Warrior Princess, October 18

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, October 19

Inklings and notions, October 19

Vicky Sluiter, October 20

The Meanderings of a Bookworm, October 20

Babbling Becky L’s Book Impressions, October 21

Locks, Hooks and Books, October 22

Joanna Bair, October 22

Bigreadersite, October 23

Mary Hake, October 23

Connie’s History Classroom, October 24

A Modern Day Fairy Tale, October 24

Musings of a Sassy Bookish Mama, October 25

Ashley’s Clean Book Reviews, October 25


To celebrate her tour, Lena is giving away the grand prize of a $50 Amazon gift card!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

Saturday, October 2, 2021

Undercurrent of Secrets Blog Tour & Giveaway by Rachel Scott McDaniel



About the Book


Book:  Undercurrent of Secrets

Author: Rachel Scott McDaniel

Genre: Christian Romance

Release date: September 2021

Two women, a century apart, are bound by a haunting secret aboard a legendary steamboat.

Walk through Doors to the Past via a new series of historical stories of romance and adventure.

As wedding coordinator for the 100-year-old steamboat The Belle of Louisville, Devyn Asbury takes pride in seeing others’ dreams come true, even though her engagement had sunk like a diamond ring to the bottom of the Ohio River. When the Belle becomes a finalist in the Timeless Wedding Venue contest, Devyn endeavors to secure the prestigious title with hopes to reclaim some of her professional dreams. What she hadn’t planned on was Chase Jones showing up with a mysterious photo from the 1920s.

A century earlier, Hattie Louis is as untamable as the rivers that raised her. As the adopted daughter of a steamboat captain, her duties range from the entertainment to cook. When strange incidents occur aboard the boat, Hattie’s determined to discover the truth. Even if that means getting under First Mate Jack Marshall’s handsome skin.

Click here to get your copy!

My Review
A nicely interwoven story of past generations and current. Secrets hidden become known. It's not an easy job to blend the past and the present together seamlessly but the author pulled it off perfectly.

I loved the characters of Jack and Hattie and was surprised when the secrets started to evolve. It kept me on the edge of my seat. Undercurrent of Secrets is one of the best Christian mystery/suspense novels I've read this year.

The current time characters of Chace and Devyn are inspirational and also had a wonderful love story to offer. Everything wrapped up beautifully in the end. Highly recommended.

I received a complimentary copy from the author and willingly choose to review it. All opinions are my own.

About the Author

Rachel Scott McDaniel is an award-winning author of historical romance. Winner of the ACFW Genesis Award and the RWA Touched By Love award, Rachel infuses faith and heart into each story. Rachel can be found online at and on all social media platforms. Her work is represented by Julie Gwinn of the Seymour Agency. Rachel resides in Ohio with her husband and two children.

More from Rachel

A Century on the River

In 1914, America hadn’t joined WWI yet. Airplanes, or flying machines as they were called, were still a phenomenon. Radios weren’t a thing. Hawaii and Alaska weren’t part of the United States. The world as a whole looked different than the one we walk today. But one thing remains true as it had 100 years ago—The Belle of Louisville graced the waters. In fact, the century-old steamboat is like a floating time capsule.

First named the Idlewild, this boat was built in Pittsburgh, PA and was launched in October 1914. It began its days as a packet boat, hauling freight and ferrying passengers. During the ‘Roaring 20s’ there wasn’t much documentation for her travels. But it’s believed the Idlewild spent the decade tramping—a steamboat term for going up and down the river, stopping at various towns and taking passengers for excursions. Which worked perfectly for Undercurrent of Secrets.

The boat was then sold to New Orleans where it continued to ferry passengers. In 1931, The Idlewild spent a season in Louisville running trips to Rose Island and Fontaine Ferry amusement parks. It then spent the next several years coursing the waterways from Canada to New Orleans, living upon the Mississippi and Ohio river systems until WWII. The second world war brought a lot of action to the Idlewild which was then outfitted with special equipment to push oil barges along the river. She also served as a floating USO nightclub for troops stationed at military bases along the Mississippi River.

In 1947, she was sold and renamed the Avalon. For the next two decades the legendary lady spent her days along the rivers, hosting excursions, bringing adventure to the hearts of many Americans. But all those years and miles eventually caught up to her and she fell in disrepair. In 1962, she was put up for auction in Cincinnati where she was purchased by Jefferson County Judge Executive Marlow Cook for $34,000. She then received her third name, The Belle of Louisville.

The restoration of the boat was supervised by marine architect Alan L. Bates (later Captain Bates). Capt. Bates’ books, Str. Belle of Louisville, and Moonlight at 8:30, were a huge help to me while researching the history of the boat and the crews who worked on her. The reno crew worked tirelessly rebuilding the Belle and on April 30th, she tested the waters again by racing against the Delta Queen in the first Great Steamboat Race. The Belle has been wharfed in Louisville ever since. This century-old steamboat has stood the test of time, surviving decades, sinkings, storms, weathering all the trials with grit and grace. If you ever find yourself in Louisville, you could book a cruise on the Belle and experience history.

                               Blog Stops

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, September 25

Rachael’s Inkwell, September 25

Texas Book-aholic, September 26

Christian Bookaholic, September 26

Where Faith and Books Meet, September 27

Inklings and notions, September 27

Genesis 5020, September 27

For Him and My Family, September 28

Life of Literature, September 28

deb’s Book Review, September 29

Jeanette’s Thoughts, September 29

Remembrancy, September 30

Locks, Hooks and Books, September 30

She Lives to Read, October 1

Ashley’s Clean Book Reviews, October 1

Older & Smarter?, October 1

Because I said so — and other adventures in Parenting, October 2

Mary Hake, October 2

A Modern Day Fairy Tale, October 3

Simple Harvest Reads, October 3 (Guest Review from Mindy Houng)

Bizwings Blog, October 3

Musings of a Sassy Bookish Mama, October 4

For the Love of Literature, October 4

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, October 5

Through the fire blogs, October 5

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, October 6

Pause for Tales, October 6

Artistic Nobody, October 7 (Guest Review from Donna Cline)

Just Your Average reviews, October 7

Splashes of Joy, October 8

Labor Not in Vain, October 8


To celebrate her tour, Rachel is giving away the grand prize package of a $25 Amazon gift card and a copy of the book!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

Friday, October 1, 2021

New Release- "Summer Salvation" by Dora Hiers

Summer Salvation by Dora Hiers


Will their reunion reignite a spark or will Harper's secret destroy their second chance at love?

The space transportation services company Denton Parker founded with his longtime buddies has literally skyrocketed into success, and a popular business magazine just published their names among the country's billionaires. But money doesn't buy what Denton really wants…a second chance with Harper, the woman who vanished from his life without an explanation five years ago.

When a vicious attack left her twin sister broken, distraught, and pregnant, Harper Robyson abandoned everything--her career, her friends, and her beloved boyfriend--the man she believed was about to propose--to help Heidi get her life back. But soon after delivering Aria, her sister disappeared, leaving Harper to raise the child as her own. As a single parent, Harper doesn't have time for dating. So much has changed since she left Laurel Cove, including her budding faith, but one thing hasn't…her love for Denton.

When Harper returns for a new job in the university, a beautiful little girl hiding behind her dress, Denton doesn't believe Harper's claims that Aria is not his child. Given the timing, how could she not be his daughter? Angry and demanding custody, will Denton finally accept the truth? That his heart yearns for a lifetime with this beautiful woman, transformed by motherhood and faith, and the daughter he wishes were his. That money can't buy true and lasting happiness, and the precious gift of salvation is priceless…

Special 99c pricing for a limited time.

To Purchase

My Review

Denton & Harper split up five years ago. Now, Harper's back to open up an old wound.

There is a lot of surprises in this book and a cast of characters you will come to love from the beginning. I found myself holding my breath, wondering what was next in Denton, Harper, and young Aria's future.

Summer's Salvation is a sweet love story of second chances and the Lord's salvation that brings together the perfect family. I received an ARC from the author and voluntarily choose to review it.