Friday, September 20, 2024

Review of The Books of Moses: Guiding Word Volume 1 by Concordia Publishing House


The Books of Moses, the first book of a six-volume Bible Resource series that aims to help readers better understand the Bible, leads readers through the first five books of the Bible—Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy.

Designed in the style of a travel guide, each book in the Guiding Word Study Series presents information in short, easy-to-read style and visual elements, such as maps, diagrams, and textual callouts. Each book is structured into three individual parts: Orientation, Observation Points, and Landmarks, and includes six key features—Visualize, Picture of the Savior, Link Between the Testaments, Clear the Confusion, Set the Scene, and Waypoint—that guide the reader through the volume, offering readers information but also asking readers questions to develop their own understanding.

The Books of Moses tell of the beginning of the world and lay down the narrative of the family God chose to make a great nation from which He would send His Son. People and events in these books include Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel, the flood, the tower of Babel, Abraham and Isaac, Jacob and Esau, Joseph, Moses, the golden calf, and the manna in the wilderness. Most importantly, these books also give the first promises of the Christ. The promise of the Messiah is the clear thread that weaves its way through the Books of Moses.

Note: The Guiding Word Study Series uses the English Standard Version (ESV) translation of the Bible..

Volume 2 (The Books of History) is coming out later this year in November. The series will have six total volumes.

Purchase Link

My Review

This is the guide to the Books of Moses, an in-depth study of the first five books of the Old Testament. When read along with your Bible, you gain a better understanding and knowledge. I found it a good resource, when used as directed.

There will be six volumes total in the collection. Each volume follows the pattern of a travel guide and will enhance your ability to understand difficult passages in the Bible. It's a great addition for home library or as a guide for church Bible study groups. Highly recommended.

I received a complimentary copy from the publisher; a positive review is not required. All opinions are my own.

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